Upgrade Audi A4 B8/A5/Q5 Radio Concert to support SDHC memory cards, fix reception/TP issues (by LoCal)1.5.2010 - LoCal reports:Early Audi A4 B8/A5/Q5 radio Concert and Symphony devices supported only SD memory cards up to 2 GB and select 4 GB cards (such as the Transcend SD 4 GB). Later versions support larger SDHC memory cards up to 32 GB. Luckily e.g. HW: 02 SW: 0210 has been upgraded to SW: 0310 bringing SDHC compatibility to an older device, all in software. There are also reports of this working with some other original HW and SW revisions. So, trying to get your workshop to do this update might be worth it. According to here: http://www.ultimatevw.com/keskustelu/index.php?cmd=aihe&id=10753&sivu=498 See also this thread: http://audiforum.us/b8-platform/10072-upgraiding-software-inside-audi-concert-radio-2.html The SVM code for Audi maintenance shop upgrade to Radio Concert (Symphony too maybe?) upgrade to 0310 SW and SDHC compatibility is: SVM: B856A001 The upgrade is titled to fix some radio reception issues (it has also been reported to help TP traffic report problems), but apparently SDHC memory card compatibility comes as a bonus. Just give that code to your workshop and hope for the best. By LoCal |
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