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Links to MMI 3G retrofit information (by LoCal)

21.6.2009 (updated 5.5.2010) - Just a few links to threads concerning upgrading MMI High (MMI 2G) to MMI 3G aka the new MMI Navigation Plus.

Great pictures of Audi A4 B8 MMI 3G retrofit (update 7.2.2010) - thanks to javiii:

Proyecto: Retrofit MMI High 3g, De concert a navegador 3g

More links:

S8 D3 - MMI 2G to 3G conversion

MMI 3G navigation retrofit

The new MMI generation from Audi: top-level multimedia and communication

2G to 3G install troubles!!

3G MMI Upgrade question...

Retro fitting a 3G MMI into a 2G MMI 2009 S5?

A6 MMI 3G upgrade

MMI 3G Aux/AMI connection

Does the US use the same part [numbers] as England in their 3G MMI?

MMI 3G NAV Retrofit [Note: For the MMI 3G non-plus version without HDD/3D.]

Retrofit MMI, Sat Nav & AMI

[A6 C6] MMI 3G and FIS 2G. Urgent!

Help, I need the cheat sheet for Nav retrofit (2009 A6 - C6)

Hybrid TV module installation Audi A6/A4 B8/A5 (relevant for Q7/A8 too) [MMI 3G notes in the end!]

Rear view camera in MMI 3G

Jälikiasennusnavigointi 2010 Audi A6 Avant S-Line Business

For a general overview what MMI 3G is and what its different editions are and how they compare to MMI 2G, see:

Summary of current Audi multimedia systems and history

The best place to search for more and ask questions:


Historically Kufatec.de has been providing parts and service for MMI retrofits. It is possible, in the future, they will offer full MMI 3G retrofits for e.g. MMI 2G cars at their German location. I would recommend checking Kufatec.de and emailing them about it:


Also FYI, in the UK, craigyb of www.tclsatnav.com has been providing similar Audi retrofit services.

By LoCal

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