Welcome to a6retrofit, an Audi retrofit instructions archive!
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Note: Most articles of Audi A6 are also relevant for A4 B8/A5/A8/Q7 with MMI High (2nd gen), although only few of the articles cover MMI 3G that shipped in Audis since late 2008. If you are unsure which MMI generation or radio system your car has, read this article. This site covers information up to the year 2010.
Related photographs: http://s77.photobucket.com/albums/j62/mlk_05/
Notes on alternative (easier) retrofitting of phone prep in glove compartment Audi A6 (4F/C6) 1.6.2008
Notes on retrofitting TV module Audi A4 B8/A5/A6/Q7/A8 1.6.2008 (updated 7.3.2010)
Notes on retrofitting Audi Parking System Advanced rear-view camera Audi A6 (4F/C6) (also relevant for A4/A5/Q7/A8) 1.6.2008 (updated 14.3.2010)
Will the real MMI please stand up? Difference between standard radio Concert/Symphony and the optional DVD navigation's MMI controls in B8 platform Audi A4 and A5 (by LoCal) 25.6.2008 (updated 22.7.2009)
Interesting VAG-COM codes for Audi A5/A4 B8/Q5, many for A6/A8/Q7 as well (by LoCal) 27.6.2008 (updated 26.8.2010)
DVD navigation retrofit Audi A6 (4F/C6) Avant MMI High (possibly relevant also for Q7/A8) 3.7.2008 (updated 19.7.2009, longer Finnish version also available below)
Bluetooth phone prep and speech dialogue system retrofit Audi A6 (4F/C6) Avant MMI High (possibly relevant also for Q7/A8) 8.7.2008 (updated 17.6.2009, longer Finnish version also available below)
Notes on MOST bridge adapters / loopback connectors for Audi cars with MMI (e.g. Audi A6) 14.7.2008
AMI (Audi Music Interface) part numbers / Notes on retrofitting AMI (A4/A5/A6) (by LoCal) 2.8.2008 (updated 9.3.2010)
Notes on Audi repair manuals - How to find/access them 6.8.2008 (updated 25.1.2009)
Retrofitting notes: HomeLink for Audi A5, A4 B8 and A6 etc. (by LoCal) 2.9.2008 (updated 15.10.2009)
Voice control retrofit and notes for Audi A4 B8, A5 and A6 (also Q7/A8) (by LoCal) 11.9.2008 (updated 20.2.2010)
Adding oil dipstick to Audi A4 B8/A5/Q5 (by LoCal) 11.9.2008 (updated 27.12.2009)
Hybrid TV module installation Audi A6/A4 B8/A5 (relevant for Q7/A8 too) 9.10.2008 (updated 30.1.2010)
Notes on retrofitting MMI High (Audi A6/A4 B8/A5/Q7) (by LoCal) 10.10.2008 (updated 20.6.2009)
Notes on retrofitting parking sensors/Audi Parking System in Audi A4/A5/A6 etc. (by LoCal) 16.10.2008 (updated 22.12.2009)
Notes on retrofitting factory rear-LEDs to Audi A4 B8/A5/S5 (by LoCal) 13.1.2009 (updated 15.1.2010)
FAQ about the mysterious "vent" in the A4 B8/A5 center console (by LoCal) 22.1.2009
How to remove Audi badges from the car (and paint them black too) (by LoCal) 15.2.2009 (updated 23.6.2009)
Links to exchanging inlays in an Audi A4 B8/A5 17.2.2009 (updated 27.12.2009)
Notes on changing Audi A3 double DIN radio to factory navigation 17.2.2009 (updated 25.10.2009)
Installing factory digital compass mirror in Audi A4 B8 and A5 (by SplendidAudi) 24.2.2009 (updated 24.2.2009)
Links to Audi A5/S5 B&O subwoofer replacement (probably relevant for A4 B8 saloon/sedan too) 14.3.2009 (updated 22.3.2009)
Getting Audi phone-prep/SAP phone to download Nokia smartphone contacts 14.3.2009
Links to installing trunk hooks, nets, cup holder covers and fire extinguisher in A4 B8/A5 (by LoCal) 22.3.2009 (updated 23.5.2010)
Audi Bluetooth Low vs. Bluetooth High and related topics explained A4 B8/A5/A6/A8/Q5/Q7 (by LoCal) 30.3.2009 (updated 21.2.2010)
Charging/powering latest iPods/iPhones with Audi iPod interface (Audi A3/A4 B7/TT) 15.6.2009
Links to MMI 3G retrofit information (by LoCal) 21.6.2009 (updated 5.5.2010)
Tyre and vibration issues in Audi A4 B8/A5 (tips may benefit other models as well) (by LoCal) 23.6.2009 (updated 17.1.2010)
Notes on unlocking MMI 2G/3G video while driving (by LoCal) 8.7.2009 (updated 21.7.2009)
How to reset MMI (by LoCal) 8.7.2009
Updating MMI (by LoCal) 15.7.2009 (updated 24.1.2010)
Finding a6.stufftoread.com/wiki/index.php/Nachrüsten and a few other retrofit links 21.7.2009 (updated 23.5.2010)
Summary of current Audi multimedia systems and history (by LoCal) 22.7.2009 (updated 14.3.2010)
Is it possible to enable voice control/speech dialogue system in an Audi cabriolet? (by LoCal) 14.12.2009 (updated 21.2.2010)
Can I listen to Bluetooth audio sources in an Audi? (by LoCal) 14.12.2009 (updated 27.12.2009)
Link to Audi radio clock retrofit and technical information 14.12.2009
Notes on Audi MMI CD-ROM handbooks (MMI 2G vs. MMI 3G) (by LoCal) 21.12.2009
Links to retrofitting interior light package in an Audi A4 B8/A5 21.12.2009 (updated 13.2.2009)
Can I watch video/video files in an Audi? (A4 B8/A5/Q5/A6/A8/Q7) (by LoCal) 27.12.2009
Anti-tuning feature in model-year 2010 Audis and possible other VW Group cars (by LoCal) 1.1.2010
Retrofitting MMI factory navigation to Audi A4 B8/A5/Q5 (links) (by LoCal) 11.1.2010 (updated 7.2.2010)
Swapping MMI 3G Navigation Plus hard-drive (by LoCal) 24.1.2010
Notes on Audi adaptive cruise control retrofit (by LoCal) 9.3.2010
Upgrade Audi A4 B8/A5/Q5 Radio Concert to support SDHC memory cards, fix reception/TP issues (by LoCal) 1.5.2010
Bluetooth-puhelinvalmiuden ja puheohjauksen jälkiasennus Audi A6 (4F/C6) Avant MMI High (soveltuu mahdollisesti myös Q7/A8) 1.6.2008 (päivitetty 14.2.2010)
DVD-navigaattorin jälkiasennus Audi A6 (4F/C6) Avant MMI High (soveltuu mahdollisesti myös Q7/A8) 1.6.2008 (päivitetty 19.7.2009)
Kommentteja Audi A5/A4 B8:n lisävarusteista ja väreistä (by LoCal) 25.6.2008 (päivitetty 8.6.2009)
MMI High:n jälkiasentaminen Audi A6 (4F/C6) (by hpu) 10.10.2008 (päivitetty 20.6.2009)
Sumuvalojen kromikehysten asentaminen Audi A4 B8:iin / Sumuvalojen vaihto A4/A5 (by beatman) 23.1.2009 (päivitetty 1.2.2009)
Dension Gateway 500:n asentamisesta Audi A6 MMI basic plussaan (by LoCal) 21.2.2009
Etupuskurin ja maskin vaihto Audi A6 (4F/C6) (by MasadeMasa) 25.2.2009
Linkki Audi A4 B8:n takapuskurin ja pakoputkien vaihtoon 7.3.2009
LoCalin onnellisen auton ostajan ja omistajan viisi sääntöä 11.3.2009 (päivitetty 6.5.2009)
Audi Music Interfacen asentamisesta Audi A4 B8/A5 (soveltuvin osin myös A6/A8/Q7) (by LoCal) 11.3.2009 (päivitetty 7.3.2010)
Miksi etuveto on parempi kuin takaveto! (by LoCal) 14.4.2009
Audi A6 (4F/C6) päiväajovalon- ja parkkipolttimon vaihto ja ajovaloumpion irroitus (by MasadeMasa) 19.4.2009
Audi A6 (4F/C6) Audi Parking Systemistä APS Plus (by MasadeMasa) 19.4.2009
Audi A6 (4F/C6) takapuskuripaneelin irroituksesta (by MasadeMasa) 19.4.2009
Linkki Audi A4 B8:n tuning-ohjeisiin 5.5.2009 (päivitetty 22.10.2009)
Audi A4 B8:n (ja A5:n) lisävarusteet, mallivuosi 2010 (by LoCal) 8.6.2009 (päivitetty 20.3.2010)
Kooste Audi A6 4F polttimoista, polttimoiden kannoista, tyypeistä ja eri vaihtoehdoista (soveltuvin osin myös Audi A3/A4/Q7/A8) (by MasadeMasa) 12.8.2009
Peruutuskameran jälkiasentaminen Audi A6 (4F/C6) (osin myös A4/A5/Q7/A8) (by hpu) 13.12.2009 (päivitetty 14.3.2010)
Mikä on quattro - ja miksi renkaiden nouseminen ilmaan on paha asia? (by LoCal) 10.1.2010
Raitisilmansuodattimen/sisäilmansuodattimen vaihtaminen Audi A6 (4F/C6) (linkki) (by LoCal) 21.2.2010
LoCalin kokemukset 2010 A4 B8:sta MMI 3G:llä ja sport differentialilla (by LoCal) 20.3.2010
Read important terms of use, disclaimer and past welcoming notes:
Facelifted: a6retrofit.tripod.com
Note our new and now only address (a6retrofit.tripod.com) - one last update to the original, old Yahoo! Geocities version of this page was uploaded today. I expect those old pages to disappear within the week (or whenever Yahoo! pulls the plug), so time to update all your bookmarks to a6retrofit.tripod.com and tell your friends too.
To celebrate the move, and the fact that with the help of LoCal and others this site has grown to be much more than I originally intended, we are launching a slight facelift to address readability feedback. Hopefully this new grey era will be easier on the eyes than the former black one. Enjoy! -mk (October 22, 2009)
New address: a6retrofit.tripod.com
Welcome to this Audi retrofit site. Our year-long stay at Yahoo! Geocities is ending due to them closing later this year. The a6retrofit site will now continue at Tripod, a6retrofit.tripod.com. Of course the old a6retrofit page will remain available at the old address (but dormant) until Yahoo! closes Geocities. Thanks all! -mk (June 11, 2009)
Welcome to the a6retrofit site!
This small amateur website contains thoughts and information concerning retrofitting equipment to the Audi A6 car (4F/C6, 2004/2005+ model) and other Audi models - see the column on the right [and below]. My main motivation for this site is to store and share all the notes as well as the few larger postings I have collected and written over the years, so that others can benefit from them. I have personally been blessed with online help from many fine individuals on various Audi related websites, thank you all. This is my small way of paying it forward.
The site contains information in English and in Finnish, marked accordingly with respective flags. Information revolves mostly around Euro-spec cars, although much is universal.
Please refer any technical questions to the various fine Audi related forums, links to which you can find in the articles on this website, as I will not be able to reply to everyone.
DISCLAIMER, TERMS OF USE: Please feel free to share, copy, mirror, link to and use any information on this site freely, it is there to hopefully help you and others. However, understand that I am no professional, not affiliated with Audi or anyone and anything posted here may and probably does contain errors and omissions, so take it with a pinch of salt and use it at your own risk. I recommend always consulting a professional, your dealer or Audi when in doubt. The content on this site is provided as is, with no guarantee of usefulness, correctness or fitness for any purpose. Any advertisements that may show up on this site are displayed by the hoster of this nice, free web space [as of 11.6.2009 host Tripod, used to be] (Yahoo! Geocities), I do not benefit from them.
Happy kilometers/miles to all my fellow Audi drivers,
June 1, 2008