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Finding a6.stufftoread.com/wiki/index.php/Nachrüsten and a few other retrofit links

21.7.2009 (updated 23.5.2010)- I wrote this article before I knew that a6.stufftoread.com had moved to a new URL http://a6-wiki.de/index.php/Hauptseite (for instance, check out an updated MMI revision list from http://a6-wiki.de/index.php/MMI_Update). I decided to post it anyway, to point out archive.org as a way to find useful retrofit information that may have disappeared from the web. In the end of this article there are also some other links that may interest an Audi retrofitter/enthusiast.


Early in the life of the Audi A6 4F/C6, now well into its late facelifted years at the time of writing, there was this great German retrofitting website a6.stufftoread.com, Die Wissensdatenbank für den Audi A6 (4F/C6) it was called. It hosted a lot of technical information about the A6, MMI updating and revision history, phone-prep compatibility and, I think, most importantly an early collection of retrofitting instructions for the A6. When I first got into retrofitting on the A6, this was the site that taught me about navigation and SDS retrofits, for example.

Somewhere around 2007/2008, however, the site went dormant and disappeared along with the stufftoread.com domain. I have googled around a bit, but have not been able to locate the site at a new address (maybe it is still out there?). [Like I said in the beginning of this page, I found it at a6-wiki.de before posting this article.] Either way, luckily the content is not lost and is still available through a great archiving service, the Wayback Machine, at archive.org. That is a service to remember if you ever need to locate an old retrofitting resource (for example) that is no longer available. I have submitted this my own a6retrofit website there as well, so it should be available (in the future) for eons to come by Wayback Machining to www.geocities.com/a6retrofit (the old address) or a6retrofit.tripod.com (the current addess at the time of writing).

Anyway, back to a6.stufftoread.com, Die Wissensdatenbank für den Audi A6 (4F/C6). The retrofitting page, most important page in my opinion, used to be available at a6.stufftoread.com/wiki/index.php/Nachrüsten. Entering that URL into the Wayback Machine won't work, but looking for just a6.stufftoread.com gets results ranging from April 2005 to October 2007. Clicking Oct 09, 2007 (for example), opens the URL http://web.archive.org/web/20071009075706/a6.stufftoread.com/wiki/index.php/Hauptseite, which brings you to the old a6.stufftoread.com main page. Notable links are e.g. MMI Update and Nachrüsten. Clicking the latter takes you to the URL http://web.archive.org/web/20071021004155/a6.stufftoread.com/wiki/index.php/Nachrüsten.

You may wish to try different snapshot dates at archive.org to see what differences there may be in available content. Some of the pictures won't work anymore, but some do and most of the great information is still there. For example, part numbers on retrofitting automatically opening trunk feature to the Audi A6 sedan or rear LEDs to pre-facelift Audi A6 Avant with halogens. Photographs of Audi A6 pre-facelift navigation retrofit, trunk hook part-numbers and lots more. All still very relevant information that is even more accessible to wider audience now that several free, improving language translation services are available on the Internet and can translate German into an increasing number of languages (e.g. babelfish.yahoo.com and translate.google.com).

Some other notable retrofitting and related websites, I'd like to mention.

The old navplus.us, now known as audiforum.us, is by far the best English-speaking Audi retrofitting site known to me. Goes back years and hosts a vast amount of information to search through, not to mention some of the most knowledgeable and up-to-date Audi electronics retrofitters commenting there. These guys do daily what professional maintenance shops deem impossible. Some notable subforum picks in addition to the main URL:

AudiForum.us - http://www.audiforum.us
MMI subforum - http://www.audiforum.us/mmi/
RNS-E subforum - http://audiforum.us/rns-e/
Multimedia subforum - http://audiforum.us/multimedia/
Knowledge Base subforum - http://audiforum.us/knowledge-base/

A relatively new website on the Audi retrofit scene, providing especially useful diagnostics and ECU information for a host of Audi models:

Audi Portal - http://www.audi-portal.com/en/

See also, a great site for Audi A4 B8 retrofits:

AudiEnthusiasts.com - http://www.audienthusiasts.com

Not really a retrofitting website, but an interesting blog showcasing new Audi technologies and features, as well as occasionally listing part numbers for accessories and the like:

I am Audi - http://www.iamaudi.com/

Of course, if you came to this page via a link or Google, check out the main page of my retrofit site:

a6retrofit - https://a6retrofit.tripod.com/

Other sites that are frequently linked here are A5OC.com (English-speaking Audi A5/S5 site) and motor-talk.de (German motoring site).

If these ever disappear from the webosphere, do try out archive.org to see if you can bring them back. Happy retrofitting!


For the Finnish audience, let me mention the following links that contain useful information:

UltimateVW.com (esim. A3, A4 B8 -, A5- ja A6-ketjut)

Audi A4 B8 - tuunausohjeita (UltimateVW.com) - http://www.ultimatevw.com/keskustelu/index.php?cmd=aihe&id=14641

Audi A4 B8 FAQ (UltimateVW.com) - http://www.ultimatevw.com/keskustelu/index.php?cmd=aihe&id=14699

Audi A4 B8 vikoja (UltimateVW.com) - http://www.ultimatevw.com/keskustelu/index.php?cmd=aihe&id=14774

FlatAudi - http://flataudi.webs.com/

Audifinns - http://www.audiclub.fi/audifinns/

Ajovalo.net - http://www.ajovalo.net/

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This site used to be available at: www.geocities.com/a6retrofit