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Notes on retrofitting MMI High (Audi A6/A4 B8/A5/Q7) (by LoCal)

10.10.2008 (updated 20.6.2009) - Finnish reading people can read this text by hpu for information on retrofitting MMI High in an Audi A6:

MMI High:n jälkiasentaminen Audi A6 (4F/C6) (by hpu)

For the English readers, below is a related summary by LoCal on the question whether or not MMI High/navigation can be retrofitted in an Audi A5. An Audi A5 without navigation requires retrofitting of entire MMI High to get navigation compatibility. Retrofitting MMI High to Audi A6 is similar, but somewhat easier because the basic setup has more components in common with MMI High than in an Audi A5 without navigation which only has an MMI look-alike radio. (Also, to get navigation, an Audi A6 that already has MMI High without navigation requires only retrofitting of navigation module and antenna, see the index page of this site for more on that.)

Answering to the question can factory navigation be retrofitted in an Audi A5? And at the same time explaining the basic process of retrofitting MMI High:

"It can be done, but is a big job. Your dealer will likely not do it, a shop like Kufatec.de in Germany will.

Please see my signature for an article on A5 comparison of radio vs. the MMI that comes with sat nav. Without sat nav the car does not have the required fiber-optic cabling and distributed architecture with media components spread throughout the car, you need to add all that since the nav requires it. It will not be as easy as in an A6 where if you have MMI High you just have to add the navi drive and antenna...

You need to remove the entire radio and screen, replace with CD changer in the dash, possibly new screen (half an inch bigger), add a new eledtronics head unit behind the glove compartment, wire a fiber-optic cable to left side of trunk, install new MMI radio module, sat nav and amplifier there, connect all with fiber-optics and wire for power right side of trunk. Plus sat antenna of course. Then you need to replace the center console in the front with one that has the MMI buttons below the gear lever and wire that. Maybe something else too?

In the U.K there is this guy craigyb that could probably do this too, who knows. And kufatec.de will sell the parts. craigyb's site is http://www.tclsatnav.com/... And navplus.us site, MMI section, is a good place to ask questions.

2500 pounds with new parts and dealership work prices (Kufatec can sell you used cheaper modules) for this retrofit actually sounds reasonable. I wonder if the dealer really knew how to do it or if they were just thinking it is as easy as in an A6...

My A5 retrofit links: A5 VAG COM codes list
A5 "real" MMI vs. radios explained www.geocities.com/a6retrofit/articles/a4a5realmmi.html
AMI parts/retrofit www.geocities.com/a6retrofit/articles/a4a5amiparts.html
Homelink retrofit www.geocities.com/a6retrofit/articles/homelink.html
Voice control retrofit www.geocities.com/a6retrofit/articles/a4a5a6voicecontrol.html
Add oil dipstick www.geocities.com/a6retrofit/articles/a4a5oildipstick.html"


Kufatec's MMI High retrofit kits:

Audi A5

Audi A6 (4F/C6)


UPDATE 10.6.2009:

MMI High retrofit coding instructions and lists:

Audi Portal: ECU Diagnostic . Audi A6 4F (2005- ) . Gateway J533

MMi High Codings in VCDS!


UPDATE 20.6.2009:


By LoCal (quoted, with permission, text)

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